So, 2020 has been wild! Some may describe it as Hellacious (it's a word, I looked it up), a disaster, or my least favourite "unprecedented" (is anyone else bored of that word yet?)... either way I think we can all agree that a lot of things changed and everyone was impacted in one way or another.
Like so many others, we had plans to travel (Uzbekistan we're coming asap), try new delightful foods (does Uzbekistan have anything like Chebureki?) & generally just enjoy a few new adventures outside of the UK. Instead, we were treated to an amazing British summer (and soon to be cold winter) confined to our wee flat - yay! And while I'm incredibly grateful to the many streaming platforms we've used this year (and you Playstation!) those fictional characters can only provide comfort for so long...
To remedy our travel-less-ness (probably not an actual word) Little Leaps came up with an idea - to eat our travels. By that, Little Leaps decided it was high time we brought some of our past travels home to the dinner table by re-creating past meals from once-visited lands in our kitchen... from scratch.
We've dabbled before, here and there but this time we're going all in. Between the three of us, we've been to 60-ish countries/territories - some more than once - and this little project will hopefully bring back some great memories & maybe some hilarious but not so great ones *cough, Karakol* while also providing us with a few laughs and a much-needed distraction. Our journey will take us alphabetically through our travels starting in Albania and finishing in the USA.
The plan is that we pick an iconic dish or a meal we loved (mmmm our feast in Fez) from the country of the moment, gather the ingredients and create our own culinary delights (I wanted to say masterpieces but who am I kidding).
But there's a catch.
We have one rule; we will only choose a dish/recipe we haven't tried before. We figured it'd be cheating to make something we already love and write about it, right? I mean, we still might... but not as part of the challenge.