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Egypt - Breakfast beans

Woo Leaps

Updated: Mar 24, 2021

Ful Medames - A delicious, light and tasty breakfast that screams comfort food.

Egypt is one of the few countries I have been to and forget that I visited, not because it's forgettable (not even close) but because I still can't believe I went to such an incredible place. Sadly we didn't eat a lot and what we did eat was almost exclusively through room service in our hotel (it was Ramadan, extremely hot & we wanted to try avoid food during the day) but I do remember some amazingly spiced lamb, rice & flat breads.

The Challenge: Ful Medames - Because Nah Leaps had a friendly recommendation and breakfast for dinner is always a winner.

Nah Leaps has a colleague who was kind enough to share some knowledge on this and I will forever be grateful as she improved my life with this! Ful Medames with a boiled egg, tomato, red onion & cucumber "salsa" and warm flat bread with a tahini based dressing is an any time comfort meal.


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