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Greece - Grilled feta & tomato +

Woo Leaps

Bouyourdi - The ultimate cheese dip served with home-made pita, dakos & tzatziki.

The words "a holiday in Greece" will either conjure up images of pristine island beaches or tightly-packed cities with ancient ruins on every other corner; whichever you imagine there is almost always going to be visions of delectable mezes as well. The Greeks just know food. My favourite thing about Greek food so far is that there are regional variations to all the "traditional" dishes us non-Greeks know so well. Whether you go to Athens, Crete, Rhodes, Samos or anywhere in the Peloponnese any time of year you get excellent local fare.

The Challenge: Bouyourdi - Because Baby Leaps hates fish/seafood & once upon a time in Crete as a family we had a seafood platter but she was difficult and requested "not fish" and ever since has been trying to find out what the magnificent cheese dip-thing was she was given.

If you hadn't guessed we love Greek food, I am a massive dolma fan but would also happily eat gyros every day but this challenge was all about re-creating the most incredible cheesy pot we ever had. After many google searches, I found the name of the dish and we were away. But, we also needed pita and store-bought seemed like cheating so boom another challenge. Throw in tzatziki & a little greek salad/salsa in the form of dakos (almost, I couldn't find rusks) and we had a meal - in theory.


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